Hotel Whiskey Aviation (HWA) offers Installation Services for the entire ER TANK product line.  Prices start at $1800.  HWA is located on Hick’s field in Fort Worth, Texas.  We like to have the aircraft 7-10 days.  

A few reasons why your installation might cost more than $1800:

  • Move landing/taxi lights

  • Reroute wiring or conduit

  • Relocate Strobe Boxes

  • Wing tips are Pop-Riveted in place (Wing tips attachment will need to be converted to plate nuts and screws)

  • Installation of Inspection Panel Kit (owner option)

I think you get the idea.  Until the aircraft arrives for evaluation, we can't say for sure what the final price will be.  However, we can provide references from previous customers who will attest to HWA's integrity.  In the end, we want our customers to consider this a positive experience, one they would recommend to their friends.